affyGG, designGG and metaNetwork

By Danny Arends in R programming
Posted at: 18 Sep 2011, 10:26, last edited: 13 Nov 2012, 00:17

Today I rescued another package that was produced by our group 2-3 years ago. The affyGG package paper was published in bioinformatics in 2008 and had been offline because of server-moves and (sub)domain name changes inside the RUG network. However I retrieved the old source code and documentation with the help of Yang Li and put it onto Github:

Some additional information: 
'Affymetrix arrays use multiple probes per gene to measure mRNA abundances. Standard software takes averages over probes. Important information may be lost if polymorphisms in the mRNA affect the hybridization of individual probes.'
(Quote from the original affyGG paper)

The full paper can be found: affyGG paper

I am not planning on maintaining the package just to provide access to the original version. So I hope Google will spider this blog-post so that people looking for the package will be able to find it

Last modified: 13 Nov 2012, 00:17 | Edit