Working on Molgenis
By Danny Arends in MolgenisPosted at: 01 Apr 2011, 22:42, last edited: 28 Oct 2012, 13:00
Last week I have been working more on Molgenis. We've been using Molgenis at GBIC for quite some time and I like the way it is able to easily generate web interfaces. Furthermore the recent work of one of my students (Jacques Poelstra) together with Joeri is showing promise in visually building data models and proving a way to drag n drop a website.
After a week I'm finally getting comfortable using it. However I ran into a little surprise when I found out that the recent data model merges had introduced some naming conflict with the HSQL database. I was planning on using HSQL to update the Applet and integrate the applet with Molgenis. This should make it possible to provide advanced visualizations more easily. For this to work i need the sql to have prepared statements, but the generated prepared statement mappers to the HSQL database were broken and I took it upon myself to restore them.
Also Konrad's work (still super secret) is showing promise and I hope we'll be able to provide a full algorithm within 2 weeks. He'll stay until mid summer and by that time we'll have nice working software compatible with the R/qtl package and (fingers crossed) a draft article.
So in short I'm planning on generating my website in the future using Molgenis. But only after naming conflict with HSQL are solved. But first weekend...
Last modified: 28 Oct 2012, 13:00 | Edit