The first DNA database

By Danny Arends in Molgenis
Posted at: 21 Nov 2012, 13:21, last edited: 21 Nov 2012, 13:24

One of our recent publications (in press at Nucleic Acid Research) got noticed by the online newspaper from the Wageningen University. There is a nice description of the research we've been doing lately to setup a database that can be used to do genetic research in C. Elegans.

Read the whole article here (Note: The article is in Dutch)

I always love this kind of attention from the media, however this time it feels a little bit like we got the attention because of the recent Vaatstra Cold Case being solved by DNA research.

This sparked the discussion in the Netherlands: Should we have a national DNA database with DNA profiles of all inhabitants??

Well lets hope that this extra attention will pay itself back in more citations for the article.

Last modified: 21 Nov 2012, 13:24 | Edit