The MetaNetwork package
By Danny Arends in R programmingPosted at: 24 Nov 2011, 09:27, last edited: 28 Oct 2012, 13:02
Today I was looking for the MetaNetwork package on CRAN. Our group created the MetaNetwork package in 2007 and published the software (and protocol) in Nature Protocols (link). However moving GBIC to the Zernike (in Jan 2011) has disabled some of the servers used to serve our R packages. So all MetaNetwork packages I could find online were old packages suited for R versions prior to the 2.10.0 version.
I took it upon myself to restore the package, so I downloaded the an old R version and installed the MetaNetwork R package into R 2.9.2. Because R is open source the code was saved pretty quickly (Just call the function names in R and the code will be printed into the terminal), however the manual files proved to be somewhat more difficult. In the end I found the compiled Rd file (with all the old manual files summarized) inside the file.
After running the R CMD CHECK function on the newly created package I was notified by R that some parts of the package were outdated. I re-factored the code to meet the current R standards, and pushed the MetaNetwork source package to my github.
Well Time 4 Weekend now
Last modified: 28 Oct 2012, 13:02 | Edit