Preparing for the USA

By Danny Arends in Personal
Posted at: 06 May 2011, 24:39, last edited: 06 May 2011, 24:39

Well I'm leaving for the USA soon, I'll be staying first in Boston. Then Pjotr and me will be going on a road trip to Canada, Madison and then to Chicago to fly back to Holland. I'm pretty excited about the trip but needed to arrange a lot of stuff before I could go. (Although not as much as Mr. Pjotr Prins who planned the whole trip, so credits to him for that).

But well I moved my web server to my university computer, so I hope no-one will turn it off. That would be a mayor concern anyway because I also use it for remote desktop. Guess I should get Konrad (who is guarding the office) his mobile phone number and Office number just in Case.

 I backup most of my presentations on my laptop to take with me to the USA, so I have some to show at MIT. They wanted a basic introduction into QTL mapping and seeing as Pjotr will probably have a lot of the high performance computing stuff in his presentation, Think I'm gonna focus on basic QTL, epistasis (interactions) and modeling.

I've started experimenting a bit with bot networks, and as a result made some mayor updates to my web server, which aren't yet visible to the public but will be in the near future. The results seem nice and the Host (  seems not to be bothered by a couple of bots in a channel talking in PM (private message). So I think deploying this via a 'in-lab' complied Jar (channel made by using web server location + timestamp) will be a nice thing. On the other hand we lost a couple of hours playing with the bot network and the Say commands. The idea is to let people download a Jar and put it on the biggest machine in the lab. Then they start it up and the web server starts creating a database, goto the ip-adres /localhost of the pc, upload your data. and then the fun starts. Use all the computers in the lab to do the calculation. Download the bot.jar on a usb-stick and boot it up on the pc's you want to have join in calculation. 

There is still some work to do like put all the stuff into molgenis and add a Computation Resource implementation for it *sigh*... But it works on our Molgenis web server and on Apache so thats a big advantage. And for when I get back.

Last modified: 06 May 2011, 24:39 | Edit