Our wormQTL paper is online at Nucleic Acids Research
By Danny Arends in Publications and PresentationsPosted at: 24 Nov 2012, 12:12, last edited: 24 Nov 2012, 12:12
Our new publication: wormQTL - public archive and analysis web portal for natural variation data in Caenorhabditis spp is online.
You can find the abstract here.
The article is published as open access so the full text is available as PDF download here.
I hope that many people will use the database and the datasets in there. The wormQTL database is a really collection of ~ 20 datasets that were produced during the PANACEA project. These kind of databases with multi level data on simple worms will help us and others in unraveling the genetic basis of disease and aging.
After the recent exposure we received with our database. By means of a very nice article published about wormQTL (see this blog post) I hope this will help us to have more people aware of this nice resource.
Last modified: 24 Nov 2012, 12:12 | Edit