More updates to my web server

By Danny Arends in Website
Posted at: 29 Sep 2012, 14:32, last edited: 30 Sep 2012, 15:13

Well I've been updating my web server quite a lot after two days of testing the new version. There were some minor and some major issues:

404 - Pages didn't have a title
Pages were slow
Sometimes requests didn't get handled properly

Why this happened was partly my fault because my web server doesn't support keep-alive meaning that for every request a new sockets has to be opened. This isn't a big problem in itself, but unfortunately sometimes this would dead-lock on disk I/O where two requests were waiting for each other to finish.

I solved this now by using in memory buffers for the web server, if static files are requested they are buffered before being send out. The next request will not have to do disk I/O but can directly send the content from memory.

I hope this solves the concurrency issues, why sometimes requests fail is something I need to still investigate more, so please just keep clicking on my website.

and thanks all visitors for testing...

Last modified: 30 Sep 2012, 15:13 | Edit