Metabolomics paper accepted

By Danny Arends in Publications and Presentations
Posted at: 18 Apr 2013, 09:33, last edited: 18 Apr 2013, 09:33

This morning when coming into the office at 9, I was pleasantly surprised to see an email from Wilco Ligterink stating that our paper, which we submitted to Plant Physiology, has been accepted for publication.

The paper is about metabolites in Arabidopsis Thaliana. A. Thaliana is a model organism I use in my research a lot. This small plant has some nice features and is a model for plants in general. What I like about researching plants in general is that its pretty easy to have large sample sizes (e.g. 200 plants), making them ideal for large scale statistical / genetics research.

The paper itself is about the regulation of metabolites in Arabidopsis seeds under different environmental conditions. And one thing I liked about it that we used a 'new' experimental design giving us more power to better detect genetic x environment effects.

When the paper is published, I'll of course put a link to the paper on here.

Last modified: 18 Apr 2013, 09:33 | Edit