Changed my website and web server

By Danny Arends in D programming
Posted at: 28 Sep 2012, 14:04, last edited: 28 Sep 2012, 14:04

I created a new web server for my website in the D programming language. I did this for many reasons but the most important are: 

 (1) No more java
 (2) slightly faster then the old java TJWS
 (3) Better and faster CGI
 (4) Ability to have canonical urls
 (5) Full control over the Request <-> Response

I am planning on open-sourcing the entire project soon, but first I'm gonna test my web server using my own homepage. So please visit often, and click on many links to test if everything is working. Sometimes you might see 'DESCRIPTION' in an odd place, but that just means the page does not yet have a human readable description and/or keywords yet.

I'm very curious to see if (and when) Google will update its index of my home page, and I'm very curious to hear about your experience with my new web server.

Some features:
- HTTP 1.1 implementation
- Any programming language is CGI (Perl, PHP, Python, D, R, C)
- Service many domains with a single server
- Supports multi part and form urlencoded POST data
- Canonical URLs, Request redirection 
- Streamed and/or buffered file downloads
- Minimal memory foot-print
- implementation < 2000 lines of code

Well lets see how the new server is going to perform.

Last modified: 28 Sep 2012, 14:04 | Edit